Hey guys!
As you may have noticed, I’ve been awfully absent lately. There are a few reasons for this, and I thought I’d share them with you.
Family Medical Drama
The Saturday night before finals, I was watching Criminal Minds and trying not to freak out. I should have been working on my finals, but I had done a bunch of that already, and I needed a break. Finals are big and scary, and I needed some down time. Partway through an episode, something funny happened between my two favorite characters, so I called my mom, who also loves Criminal Minds, to tell her about it.
I happened to call right as my mom was sick. She’s had recurring medical problems, and they have, at times, been quite scary and serious. This was the final straw for me; I could deal with finals, I could deal with being homesick, I could deal with school drama, but having my mom get sick in the middle of finals weekend was just too much.
I talked to my dad for a long time that night, and by the time I went to bed around two, it was still unclear whether or not she would need to be hospitalized. What was clear was that I needed to come home. I like to think of myself as a strong, capable person, but it was too much. I needed to be with my family, to be around while all of this was being figured out.
My dad woke me up Sunday morning and we arranged a flight to get me home. I had been planning on driving home with my mom, who was going to fly out that Tuesday, but obviously that wasn’t going to happen anymore. I packed, my dad booked my flight, and I went back to sleep.
Then he called again and told me my flight had been canceled. This most likely would have resulted in a full-scale breakdown, but I was too tired to have that level of emotions. Instead, I told him to fix it, and got off the phone.
My dad is a wonderful, magical person, and he did fix it. I was booked for a different flight, the only downside being a three and a half hour layover in a rather boring midwest city. But at least I could still come home that day.
I got to the airport about two hours early and settled in with the seventh Harry Potter book. It was extremely absorbing, and I didn’t notice anything was wrong until fairly late in the game. It seemed to me that I had been sitting in my chair for an awfully long time, and someone Official probably should be at the gate by then. I checked my phone and indeed, it was a minute before my flight was supposed to take off and no one was there.
I called my dad in a state of minor panic, and he told me to find someone and ask them. The first person I talked to had no idea what was going on, and insisted she had no way of finding it out. I was about to call my dad again when someone finally did show up. The Official told me there was a slight delay, but the plane should be touching down in ten or fifteen minutes, and we would be on our way shortly. He asked about the timing of my connection, and assured me there was no way I could miss it.
He was, of course, right. I got to the second airport with three whole hours to spare and, thankfully, my trusty HP book. I did a lot of reading, and a lot of waiting, but I did eventually arrive home safely. My mom was already doing better, and continued to improve bunches over the next few days. No hospitals were needed, and everyone is alive and healthy.
My professors were absolutely incredible, and allowed me to do my finals online. There was some drama surrounding that as well; look for it in an upcoming post.
Christmas Gifts
This bit is significantly more lighthearted., and also more currently relevant, since medical drama has settled down. I’ve been doing Super Secret things I can’t share in public in preparation for the upcoming holiday, and when most of my life revolves around knitting and making cards I can’t post online lest the wrong person see them, it’s hard to figure out what to write about.
Being At Home
I’ve been doing lots of hanging out with old friends and parents and cats. These things are wonderful for me, because I’ve missed them all, but they’re not super interesting to others, unless you want to hear in detail about the five hours I spent at the mall with Robin, or seeing the new HP for the second time with Leah, or sitting around watching all the old HP movies with my parents.
Not Being At College
One of the wonderful things about having a blog at college was that it was time, just for me, when I could write, just for me. Amidst all the craziness of college and bajillion essays I needed to write, it was wonderful, and necessary, to have some time to do something fun that wasn’t assigned. Now that I have lots of time to myself and don’t have anything I have to do, writing posts seems more like something I have to do, and thusly less enticing.
All those reasons aside, I promise I won’t abandon you forever. Posts might be fewer and farther between, but they will happen, and, hopefully, they will still be entertaining. There aren’t any pictures along with this one, but I promise that’s temporary. Love you all, friends.
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