Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dear Jimmy

Something very important recently came to my attention. Aubrey Graham, who once played Jimmy Brooks on the TV show Degrassi: The Next Generation is now a famous rapper.


Excuse me? How did nobody tell me this until last night? Here he is, featured in Rihanna’s new video:

This is him on Degrassi:

Jimmy's the one in the blue sweatshirt. The picture came from here.

I loved you, Jimmy. You were one of my favorite characters. In a show full of bitchy teenagers, you were one of the few genuinely nice guys who always tried to do the right thing. When you got shot in season four, I cried. When you were shown walking on crutches after having stem cell surgery, I cried. When I realized you left the show forever, I cried. And now I find out you’ve gone off and had a successful career as a rapper, under the name Drake??? You could have rapped on Degrassi, Jimmy. In fact, I’m pretty sure you did.

Jimmy, you might think it’s cool to have a Real Career where you get to do music videos with people like Rihanna. But you know what else is cool? Showing teens how to deal with the Tough Stuff. That’s what you did on Degrassi. You brought hope to a whole generation of troubled teens. And now? Now you’re singing about what Rihanna’s name is. That is not cool, Jimmy.

You have disappointed me, Jimmy. No longer are you a wheelchair-ridden basketball star. Now you shave your hair into stupid patterns and look like you think you’re cooler than the rest of us. Well, Jimmy, I’ve got news for you. You don’t.

Why would you do this to me, Jimmy? Was it the money? The fame? I’m sure you made money on Degrassi, even if it’s not the bajillions rappers make. And you were famous where it really mattered—in my heart.

Goodbye, Jimmy. I hope you have fun in your new life, but never forget those of us you left behind.

p.s. Somerset has returned to some sense of normality. The two couches on the walls are still there, but the chairs have become more spread out, and there are only boring chairs along the wall of windows. There is now a group of furniture in every place where there should be. But hey, at least my couch is still here!


  1. NICOLE! Did you really not know that Jimmy was Drake?! I could have told you that, ya crazy! But yeah, his music weirds me out too.

    BTW, this is Emily. You told me to comment, so... now I am. :)

  2. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a personal attack on you because he.. you know.. actually wanted to do something with his life and pursue his dream.

  3. I'm pretty sure he was 'Drake' before he was Jimmy, due to the fact that Drake is his actual [middle] name and stuff.
